Data conversion
is 100% of our business, and we do it expertly!
mainframe and AS/400 to PC conversion
32 years experience, we are the experts at transferring mainframe data to PCs.
IBM Media we can read
Conversions we perform
9-track tapes: 800 1600 3200
3480: 3480, 3490, 3490E
3570: 3570B, 3570C
3580: LTO Ultrium 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
3590: 3590B, 3590E, 3590H
3592: 3592 J1A, 3592 E05 (TS1120), 3592 E06 (TS1130)
StorageTek: 9840, 9840A, 9840B, 9840C, 9940A, 9940B
4mm: Most 4mm
8mm: All 8mm, Mammoth 1 &
2, AIT 1 & 2
Repeat weekly / monthly conversions
are our specialty
Experts at converting COBOL
Mainframe EBCDIC to PC ASCII
Packed, Signed, Comp, Binary
fields & more...
Field & Record Selection
We can handle files over 1 TB
(1,000,000 MB)
Proficient at data distribution
from a single tape
Simple tape-to-tape copies (see
All work is performed on our
Disc Interchange Service Company, Inc.
1984 - 2015
Disc Interchange Service Company, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation, will be closing on December 31, 2015, due to the Massachusetts Data Security Law, 201 CMR 17.00.
The new law prohibits us from receiving or shipping tapes or disks containing Personal Information on Massachusetts residents, and has wiped-out about 95% of our business. We are no longer accepting new customers.
We will be leaving this web site up for the technical articles it contains. We sincerely hope you find them useful.
For more information about the law and how it affected us, please see our page:
The Massachusetts Data Security Law
IBM Mainframe & AS-400 Tape
Contents of this page:
Products Supported
Weekly Transaction Processing
Data Sets
of Tape Drives Supported by DISC
Disc Interchange specializes
in transferring data between IBM Mainframe computers and PCs. We
have 32 years of experience and have converted tens of thousands of IBM
tapes. Our specialties are converting COBOL files to PC format, and
automating repeat conversions.
DISC is a custom shop -- we tailor each conversion to your
specifications, to meet your needs. We approach each job individually,
with the goal of solving your problems and producing the results you desire.
Data conversion is 100% of
our business, and we give it our full attention. We don't dilute
our focus on conversions by trying to do everything -- we concentrate on
doing one thing exceedingly well. We have invested heavily in supporting
most of the tape drives on the market, including the new IBM 3590B, 3590E,
and 3590H drives, IBM 3592, and StorageTek 9840 and 9940.
Mainframe to PC Conversions
DISC has converted billions
or records from tens of thousands of IBM mainframe tapes since we opened
in 1984. This has given us extensive experience with most tape, file,
and data types, and we know how to manipulate mainframe data to make it
usable on your PC. All our programmers have at least 15 years of
conversion experience and can convert most IBM file types to dozens of
different PC file types. We have nearly every mainframe tape drive
installed at our facility -- see our List
of IBM Tape Drives below for all the drives we have installed.
We care about the quality
of the data you get back, and we employ extensive Quality Control methods.
It's our philosophy that a quality conversion includes not only using proper
conversion techniques, but also checking the converted files for potential
data problems, and fixing them before they get to you. We visually
inspect all the files we convert, and we have written many Q.C. programs
to scan the converted files for errors.
We find and correct problems
in about one-third of the data we process, saving you hours of grief on
corrupted or lost data. Although this often takes more time than
the actual conversion, we feel this extra effort is worth it to provide
a quality conversion, and it's a standard service at Disc Interchange.
DISC offers both one-time
conversions and repeat conversions -- daily, weekly, monthly, or periodically.
We are good at both, but are most appreciated for our automated repeat
processing expertise, and the quality control methods we incorporate into
our programs. If you need to convert data on a repeat basis, please
see Automated Weekly Transaction
Processing below.
COBOL Conversions
Converting mainframe COBOL files to PCs is our primary business. From
the simplest mailing list to the most complex financial data, we have the tools
and knowledge to properly convert and Q.C. your files efficiently and accurately.
With over 32 years of experience with thousands of files, we have the expertise to
catch problems with the data before they cause you problems.
DISC has experience converting complex COBOL datasets to PC databases.
We have the know-how to convert the COBOL structures to PC file structures, in the
format that your application needs. Our capabilities include converting:
Fixed-length and Variable length COBOL records
Display, Signed, Zoned, Comp, Comp-3 and other numeric fields
Redefined Fields
Redefined Records (Multiple record types in a file)
Nested tables and sequential tables
Data reformatting to your specifications
During the conversion process we can perform field selection, record selection,
data reformatting, file splitting, data condensing or summation, validity checks,
and more.
DISC can convert the field contents to your needs, including sign conversions,
implied to real decimal conversion, date conversions, binary to character code
conversions, and others.
But most importantly we can transform COBOL files with multiple record types,
redefined fields, and complex tables into relational PC files, ready for your
One of our strengths is automating repeat conversions. If you need to convert
data on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, we can write a custom program to
convert and Q.C your data to your specifications. Our experience in
automating the conversion process results in significantly lower cost, and
excellent quality-control. Please see
Automated Weekly Transaction Processing
The Tech-Talk section of our web site has numerous articles on COBOL conversions,
including tutorials on Reading COBOL Layouts and various numeric fields.
Click on the orange tab at the top of the screen for a list of articles.
DISC can convert nearly
all combinations of:
Unlabeled tapes
IBM Labeled tapes
ANSI Labeled tapes
Fixed block
Variable block
Single or Multivolume tapes
PC to Mainframe Conversions
Need to send files from your
PC to a mainframe shop, but don't know where to begin? We do.
Give us the specifications, or a contact to call, and we'll determine the
correct format, convert your files, and write a mainframe tape.
IBM Tape Drives and Operating
IBM Drives |
IBM Systems |
9-track tapes:
800, 1600, 3200, 6250
3480, 3490, 3490E
3570B, 3570C
3580 LTO Ultrium 1, 2, 3, & 4
All 3590:
3590B, 3590E, 3590H
3592 J1A, 3592 E05 (TS1120), 3592 E06 (TS1130)
9840, 9840A, 9840B, 9840C
9940A, 9940B
AIT 1 & 2
Most 4mm
All 8mm
Mammoth 1 & 2
All IBM Mainframes, such as:
zSeries, System/360, S/370,
S/390, 3090, 9020, 3033, 3081, 4361, 4381,
ES/900 and others.
Most IBM Operating Systems,
such as:
z/OS, z/OS.e, z/VM, OS/360,
OS/VS, VM, VM/370, MTS, VSE, and 'most anything
that can write a tape!
AS/400, running OS/400
Other computers that write ANSI
or IBM-like tapes, such as:
Amhdal, Burroughs, CDC,
GE, Hitachi, etc.
IBM Tape and File Formats Supported:
Extensive Support for
IBM Tapes: |
Extensive Support for
IBM File Types: |
Fixed block and Variable block
IBM and ANSI labeled tapes
Unlabeled and custom formats
Most IBM tape format and drive
combinations are supported
Multivolume data sets are routine
Fixed or Variable files
We can handle files up to 1
Expert at converting COBOL files
Character, binary, comp, comp-3
and other field types
Redefined records and fields
are handled correctly
Data Processing can be performed
during conversion
When converting to a PC,
we can deliver your converted files via:
Disk and Tape |
Electronically |
On hard disk |
Floppy disk
Removable disk
Optical disc
We offer DES encryption for
ftp and email
Jobs too large for CD or
DVD can be written directly to hard disk.
1394 Firewire
Please call for details. |
While Disc Interchange has converted
tens of thousands of unique data files, there are a few types of data that
we convert frequently. Our prior exposure to these formats gives
us the experience and insight to convert these files in an efficient
and cost effective manner. We have written conversion routines
for many of the more common files, frequently producing enhanced results
over a straight one-time conversion. Some of these common conversions
are listed below.
Some of the
more common conversions performed by Disc Interchange |
Bank and Credit Union data
Call Detail and Billing Tapes
Chain store inventory
Collection Agency files
Corporation and UCC filings
Credit reporting
Data Warehousing & Repository
Demographic files
Excise Tax Files
Financial Files
Fundraising files
Instrumentation records
Insurance records
Invoice and Statement files
IRS W2, 1098, 1099, Rejected
TIN tapes
Mailing lists
Medicaid Claims and Remittance
Medical, Hospital records
Medicare files from CMS
Municipal files
Payroll files
Phone Books and Directories
Political Campaign lists
Real Estate records & Tax
Registry of Deeds records
RMV License and Registration
Source code
Statistical analysis files
Voter and Resident Lists
Weather data
Web Site Publication of databases
We have over ten thousand one-time
conversions under our belt. In the process we've experienced just
about every kind of problem you can imagine (and a few you wouldn't imagine).
By now we know what to look for and how to solve problems with your data
before it causes problems for you.
Of course we do all the standard
conversions, like EBCDIC to ASCII, and binary fields to ASCII numeric,
but we also routinely handle COBOL files with multiple record types, redefined
fields, repeating tables, etc., and can convert these to multiple relational
tables if your PC application can't handle multiple record types.
And we can convert most COBOL files with variable tables (explained in
Occurs...Depending On). The conversions we offer are listed above under
"Our Services", and the IBM products we support are listed above under "IBM Products Supported".
For more information, our Tech-Talk section is loaded
with conversion articles.
In contrast to some conversion
companies, we take great care to review the converted files for bad codes,
irregular records, and the like, that could cause you problems. Even
when the steps of a conversion are done properly, it's common for codes
in the IBM EBCDIC file to convert to ASCII codes that many PC applications
can't handle. Knowing what application you are using, we can scan
the converted files to detect and correct such codes before they get back
to you and cause data loss or corruption. Scanning converted files
is a standard service at Disc Interchange.
Benefits of using our
expert services |
File and data types that
we convert |
Your job will be done by a programmer
with at least 15 years of conversion experience.
Our programmers have expert
knowledge of tape and file formats
You get the benefit of our vast
set of conversion tools
We are a custom shop and will
reformat the data to your specifications
Data Processing is available
as part of the conversion if you wish
We perform extensive Quality-Control
checks of you data
Fixed and Variable IBM files
EBCDIC to ASCII and Binary to
ASCII numeric
Redefined fields and records
converted to PC file formats
Field and record selection based
on your criteria
We can enhance the conversion
with data processing operations
Conversion to many PC file types
Delivered as flat files or imported
to Access, Dbase, etc.
If you'd like a quote on a conversion,
please visit our Quote page.
Weekly Transaction Processing:
DISC is very proficient at automating
conversions from mainframe tapes to PC files, for weekly or monthly transaction
processing. DISC can read hundreds of different tape and file formats
and convert the data to the PC file type of your choice. In the conversion
process we can extract specific fields, perform record selection, and reformat
the data to your file specifications. If the file contains multiple
COBOL record types, we can split it into relational PC files. Of
course we perform all the common field conversions, and if you need the
data altered, such as converting Julian dates to Gregorian dates, we can
do that, too.
We build Quality-Control
checks into our programs, and it's standard procedure for us to generate
summary and Q.C. reports of the processing. The converted files can be
delivered via email, ftp, or on CD or floppy. And our service is
fast; we commonly process the data the day we receive the tapes.
These topics are discussed
on a separate page: Automated

Data Sets:
Converting large mainframe files
to PCs is not as easy as it seems, and DISC is unique in our ability to
handle huge files. Unable to find commercial applications that could
properly handle large files, DISC spent two years writing
special programs to handle huge files, and has added two new servers each
with 1 TB or larger RAID arrays. We can handle files as large as
1 TB, and we've completed several jobs that were well over 100 million
records and hundreds of GB each.
Equally import is the experience
we have gained with PC limitations. We won't deliver files that you
can't use. If you are planning a large-file conversion, you may want
to read our Tech Talk article "PC
Large-File Limitations".

This is the process of transferring the data from one type of tape to another type of tape, block-for-block and byte-for-byte,
without changing the file structure or content of the tape in any way. We call this an "image copy" because it transfers an
exact image of the original data onto the new tape. If you have a tape that's in the right format for your computer but you
just don't have that kind of tape drive, then an image copy may be all you need.
This type of conversion is much simpler and less expensive than a platform conversion, because we don't have to deal with
the tape's file structure, the type of files, or the content of the files; all we do is transfer the data byte-for-byte to a
different media. Be careful, though; not all types of tapes are recorded in the same way, even when running the same software
on the same computer. If you are unsure if an image copy will work for you, please contact our sales department.
DISC can copy tapes with block sizes as large as 2048K, if the drives support it. Because this is an image copy process,
the tape we are copying to must be able to hold all the data on the source tape. If the source tape contains more data than
the destination can hold, the copy will run off the end of the tape and be incomplete; this process does not continue onto a
second tape. Please be aware that tapes don't always hold as much actual data as their stated capacity.
How do you know if a tape-to-tape image
copy is what you need? If you have a tape that is in a format that
your computer could read, if only you had the right drive, then
a tape-to-tape image copy may be what you need. An image copy transfers
the data from one media to another, block-for-block and byte-for-byte.
The new tape is an exact copy, with the same file structure and content
as the original, but on a different kind of tape.
DISC can copy between almost any combination of tapes on our media list, below.
To request a tape-to-tape quote, please use our Tape-to-Tape Copy quote form.
Important: Please read our article on the new Massachusetts Data Security Law before using our service.
Tape and Disk Drives supported by DISC:
Disc Interchange Service Company, Inc.
1984 - 2015
Disc Interchange Service Company, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation, will be closing on December 31, 2015, due to the Massachusetts Data Security Law, 201 CMR 17.00.
The new law prohibits us from receiving or shipping tapes or disks containing Personal Information on Massachusetts residents, and has wiped-out about 95% of our business. We are no longer accepting new customers.
We will be leaving this web site up for the technical articles it contains. We sincerely hope you find them useful.
For more information about the law and how it affected us, please see our page:
The Massachusetts Data Security Law
Tape and Disk
drives installed at DISC:
3480 & 3490 IBM
3480 18 track
3490 18 track, IDRC
3490E 36 track
3490E 36 track, IDRC
3570 IBM
3570-B 128 track
3570-C 128 track
3570-C XL 128 track
3580 IBM
3580 LTO-1; Ultrium 1
3580 LTO-2; Ultrium 2
3580 LTO-3; Ultrium 3
3580 LTO-4; Ultrium 4
3590 IBM
3590B 128 track
3590E 256 track
3590H 384 track
(3590J and 3590K media supported in all drives)
3592 IBM
3592 J1A
3592 E05 (TS1120)
3592 E06 (TS1130)
4mm DDS-1 & DDS-1-DC
4mm DDS-2
4mm DDS-3
4mm DDS-4 (DAT 40)
4mm DDS-5 (DAT 72)
DISC supports all 8mm
formats, including Mammoth 2
The models listed
below are Exabyte's model numbers
8200, 8200SX
8205, 8205XL
8500, 8500C
8505, 8505XL
Eliant 820
Mammoth LT
Mammoth 2 (M2)
AIT - see AIT below
VXA - see VXA below
800 BPI
1600 BPI
3200 BPI
6250 BPI
Any reel size and any
9840 StorageTek
9940 StorageTek
AIT 1 SDX-300
AIT 2 SDX-500
DLT 260
DLT 600
DLT 2000
DLT 2000XL
DLT 4000
DLT 7000
DLT 8000
DLT 1 (Benchmark)
VS-80 (Benchmark)
VS-160 (Benchmark)
SDLT 220 110/220 GB
SDLT 320 160/320 GB
SDLT 600 300/600 GB
DLT S4 800/1600 GB
DISC supports nearly all
IBM tapes -
See model listing at
LTO Ultrium
Quarter-inch cartridge
-- Media -- | -- Recording format --
DC-300 & DC-300XL
QIC-11 9 track
DC-300XL QIC-24
DC-600A QIC-24
DC-615A QIC-24
DC-600A QIC-120
DC-6150 QIC-120
DC-6150 (SLR1) QIC-150
DC-6250 QIC-150
DC-6037 QIC-120
DC-6037 QIC-150
DC-6320 QIC-525
DC-6525 (SLR2) QIC-525
DC-9100 (Magnus 1.0)
DC-9120 (Magnus 1.2)
(SLR3) QIC-1000
DC-9135 (Magnus 1.35)
DC-9150 (Magnus 1.5)
DC-9165 (Magnus 1.6)
DC-9200 (Magnus 2.0)
DC-9210 (Magnus 2.1)
DC-9250 (Magnus 2.5)
MLR1 QIC-5010
SLR24 SLR-24
SLR32 QIC-5010
SLR50 (MLR3) MLR-3
Tapes in ( ) are alternate names for the same media.
Drives by IBM Model Number:
IBM Models |
Type of drive |
2400 Series |
9-track |
2401 |
9-track |
2415 |
9-track |
2420 |
9-track |
2440 |
9-track |
3400 |
9-track |
3410 |
9-track |
3420 |
9-track |
3422 |
9-track |
3430 |
9-track |
3449-355 |
8mm Library |
3449-356 |
8mm Library |
3480, All |
3480 |
3490, All |
3480/3490 |
3490E, C10 C11 C22 |
3490E |
3490E, D41 D42 |
3490E |
3490E, E01 E11 |
3490E |
3490E, Fxx |
3480/3490/3490E |
3494 |
3480 Library |
3570B |
3570 |
3570C |
3570C |
3575 |
3570 Library |
3580 H11,L11,H13,L13 |
3580 H23, L23 |
3580 L33 |
3580 L43,S43 TS2340 |
3581 |
LTO Autoloader |
3582 |
LTO Library |
3583 |
LTO Library |
3584 |
LTO Library |
3590B |
3590 |
3590E |
3590 |
3590H |
3590 |
3592 J1A |
3592 |
3592 E05 |
3592 |
3592 E06 |
3592 |
3600-109 |
LTO Autoloader |
3600-220, R20, LXU |
LTO Libraries |
3607-26X |
LTO Autoloader |
3803 |
9-track |
4482 |
QIC-4DC, 4GB |
4483 |
QIC-5010 |
4486 |
MLR3 |
4487 |
SLR100 |
4560-SLX |
LTO/SDLT Library |
4582 |
QIC-4DC, 4GB |
4583 |
QIC-5010 |
4584 |
SLR-60 |
4586 |
MLR3 |
4587 |
SLR100 |
4684 |
SLR-60 |
6341 |
QIC-120 |
6342 |
QIC-525 |
6343 |
QIC-1000 |
6344 |
6346 |
QIC-120 |
6347 |
QIC-525 |
6348 |
QIC-1000 |
6349 |
6366 |
QIC-120 |
6367 |
QIC-525 |
6368 |
QIC-1000 |
6369 |
6378 |
QIC-1000 |
6379 |
QIC-1000 |
6380 |
6381 |
QIC-2DC, 2GB |
6382 |
QIC-4DC, 4GB |
6383 |
QIC-5010 |
6384 |
SLR-60 |
6385 |
QIC-5010 |
6386 |
MLR3 |
6387 |
SLR-100 |
6390 |
8mm 7 GB |
6481 |
QIC-2DC, 2GB |
6482 |
QIC-4DC, 4GB |
6483 |
QIC-5010 |
6484 |
SLR-60 |
6485 |
QIC-5010 |
6486 |
MLR3 |
6490 |
8mm 7 GB |
7044 |
DDS-4 |
7205-311 |
DLT 7000 |
7205-440 |
DLT 8000 |
7205-550 |
SDLT 320 |
7206-005 |
DDS-2 |
7206-110 |
DDS-3 |
7206-220 |
DDS-4 |
7207-122 |
QIC-4DC, 4GB |
7207-330 |
SLR-60 |
7208-002 |
8mm 2.3 GB |
7208-011 |
8mm 5 GB |
7208-012 |
8mm 5 GB |
7208-222 |
8mm 7 GB |
7208-232 |
8mm 5 GB |
7208-234 |
8mm 7 GB |
7208-341 |
8mm M1 |
7208-342 |
8mm M1 |
7208-345 |
8mm M2 |
7331-205 |
8mm Library |
7331-305 |
8mm Library |
7332-005 |
DDS-2 Library |
7332-110 |
DDS-3 Library |
7332-220 |
DDS-4 Library |
7334-410 |
8mm Library |
7336-205 |
DDS-2 Library |
7337-305/306 |
9346 |
QIC-120 |
9347 |
9-track |
9348 |
9-track |
9427-210 |
8mm 7 GB |
9427-211 |
8mm 7 GB |
T200 & T200F |
LTO Ultrium 1 |
T400 & T400F |
LTO Ultrium 2 |
TS1120 |
3592 |
TS1130 |
3592 |
Disc Interchange Service
Company, Inc.
Media Conversion Specialists
15 Stony Brook Road
Westford, MA 01886
Copyright © 1997 - 2015 by Disc Interchange
Last edited 12-1-2015
All rights reserved. See our copyright