Conversion is 100% of our business, and we do it expertly!

Do You Need Data Recovery or Data Conversion?

We have found that many people search for "data recovery" when what they need is media or data conversion.  Here's the difference:

Data Recovery

Data recovery is the process of trying to salvage data from a damaged tape or disk.  The damage could be physical, such as a crease in the tape, or magnetic, such as an unreadable area or partially overwritten data, but the key is that it is damaged in some way and unreadable by normal methods.  Such media is most commonly from a drive that you own, and the problem is not that you don't have the right drive, but that the drive can't read the tape.  In this case, you need data recovery.  The data recovery process will normally give you back readable data on the same kind of tape.  DISC does not provide data recovery services.

Data Conversion and Media Conversion:

If you have an undamaged tape or disk and you can't read it either because you don't own that kind of drive, or because it is written in a format that your computer doesn't understand, then you need media conversion or data conversion, not data recovery.  Data and Media Conversion is what we do.

What DISC Does:

Disc Interchange Service Company, DISC, is a data conversion service bureau specializing in converting data from IBM mainframe and AS/400 computers to PCs, and from DEC (Compaq, HP) VAX VMS and Open VMS to PC.

If all you need is to copy the data, without change, to a different kind of tape, DISC can do that.  Or if you need to convert the data from IBM EBCDIC to ASCII and unpack binary fields, DISC can do that, too.  For information on our IBM services, please see IBM Data Conversion Services, and for information on our VAX VMS services, please see VMS Data Conversion Services on our other web site.

DISC converts files from virtually all VAX and Alpha VMS tapes, Open VMS tapes, and many types of VAX disks.  We convert tapes from almost all IBM mainframe computers, including zSeries, System/360, System/370, System/390, 3090, 9020, 3033, 3081, 4361, 4381, ES/900 and others, running operating systems such as z/OS, z/OS.e, z/VM, OS/360, OS/370, OS/390, TPF, MVS, DOS, DOS/VS, DOS/VSE, OS/VS, VM, VM/370, MTS, VSE, and nearly anything else that can write a tape!  We also support AS/400, running OS/400

We also convert IBM mainframe-like tapes from dozens of other computers, such as Amhdal, Apollo, Burroughs, CDC, Data General, DEC, GE, Hitachi, Honeywell, HP, NCR, NEC, Wang, and many more.

Tape and Disk Drives supported by DISC:

Tape and Disk drives installed at DISC:

3480 & 3490 IBM

  • 3480 18 track
  • 3490 18 track, IDRC compression
  • 3490E 36 track
  • 3490E 36 track, IDRC compression

3570 IBM

  • 3570-B 128 track
  • 3570-C 128 track
  • 3570-C XL 128 track

3580 IBM

  • 3580 LTO-1; Ultrium 1
  • 3580 LTO-2; Ultrium 2
  • 3580 LTO-3; Ultrium 3
  • 3580 LTO-4; Ultrium 4
  • 3580 LTO-5; Ultrium 5
  • 3580 LTO-6; Ultrium 6

3590 IBM

  • 3590B 128 track
  • 3590E 256 track
  • 3590H 384 track
  • (3590J and 3590K media supported in all drives)

3592 IBM

  • 3592 J1A
  • 3592 E05 TS1120
  • 3592 E06 TS1130


  • 4mm DDS-1 & DDS-1-DC
  • 4mm DDS-2
  • 4mm DDS-3
  • 4mm DDS-4 (DAT 40)
  • 4mm DDS-5 (DAT 72)


  • DISC supports all 8mm formats, including Mammoth 2

  • The models listed below are Exabyte's model numbers
  • 8200, 8200SX
  • 8205, 8205XL
  • 8500, 8500C
  • 8505, 8505XL
  • 8700
  • 8900
  • Eliant 820
  • Mammoth LT
  • Mammoth
  • Mammoth 2 (M2)
  • AIT - see AIT below
  • VXA - see VXA below


  • 800 BPI
  • 1600 BPI
  • 3200 BPI
  • 6250 BPI
  • Any reel size and any length

9840 StorageTek

  • 9840
  • 9840A
  • 9840B
  • 9840C

9940 StorageTek

  • 9940A
  • 9940B


  • AIT 1  SDX-300
  • AIT 2  SDX-500


  • DLT 260
  • DLT 600
  • DLT 2000
  • DLT 2000XL
  • DLT 4000
  • DLT 7000
  • DLT 8000
  • DLT 1 (Benchmark)
  • VS-80 (Benchmark)
  • VS-160 (Benchmark)
  • V4
  • SDLT 220  110/220 GB
  • SDLT 320  160/320 GB
  • SDLT 600  300/600 GB
  • DLT S4  800/1600 GB


  • DISC supports nearly all IBM tapes -
  • See model listing at right

LTO Ultrium

  • LTO-1
  • LTO-2
  • LTO-3
  • LTO-4
  • LTO-5
  • LTO-6

Quarter-inch cartridge (QIC, SLR, MLR)

  • -- Media -- | -- Recording format --
  • DC-300XL QIC-24
  • DC-600A QIC-24
  • DC-615A QIC-24
  • DC-600A QIC-120
  • DC-6150 QIC-120
  • DC-6150 (SLR1) QIC-150
  • DC-6250 QIC-150
  • DC-6037 QIC-120
  • DC-6037 QIC-150
  • DC-6320 QIC-525
  • DC-6525 (SLR2) QIC-525
  • DC-9100 (Magnus 1.0) QIC-1000
  • DC-9120 (Magnus 1.2) (SLR3) QIC-1000
  • DC-9135 (Magnus 1.35) QIC-1350
  • DC-9150 (Magnus 1.5) QIC-1000
  • DC-9165 (Magnus 1.6) QIC-1350
  • DC-9200 (Magnus 2.0) QIC-2GB, 2GB-DC
  • DC-9210 (Magnus 2.1) QIC-2GB, 2GB-DC
  • DC-9250 (Magnus 2.5) (SLR4) QIC-2 GB, 2GB-DC
  • MLR1 QIC-5010
  • MLR3 MLR-3
  • SLR5 QIC-4GB, 4GB-DC
  • SLR6 SLR-6
  • SLR7 SLR-7
  • SLR24 SLR-24
  • SLR32 QIC-5010
  • SLR40 ALRF-1
  • SLR50 (MLR3) MLR-3
  • SLR60 ALRF-1
  • SLR75 ALRF-1
  • SLR100 ALRF-1
  • SLR140 ALRF-6
  • Tapes in ( ) are alternate names for the same media.


  • VXA-1
  • VXA-2

Tape Drives by IBM Model Number:

IBM Models Type of drive
2400 Series 9-track
2401 9-track
2415 9-track
2420 9-track
2440 9-track
3400 9-track
3410 9-track
3420 9-track
3422 9-track
3430 9-track
3449-355 8mm Library 
3449-356 8mm Library
3480, All 3480
3490, All 3480/3490
3490E, C10 C11 C22 3490E
3490E, D41 D42 3490E
3490E, E01 E11 3490E
3490E, Fxx 3480/3490/3490E
3494 3480 Library
3570B 3570
3570C 3570C
3575 3570 Library 
3580 H11,L11,H13,L13  LTO ULTRIUM 1
3580 H23, L23 LTO ULTRIUM 2
3580 L33 LTO ULTRIUM 3
3580 L43,S43 TS2340 LTO ULTRIUM 4
3581 LTO Autoloader
3582 LTO Library
3583 LTO Library
3584 LTO Library
3590B 3590
3590E 3590
3590H 3590
3592 J1A 3592
3600-109 LTO Autoloader
3600-220, R20, LXU LTO Libraries
3607-26X LTO Autoloader
3803 9-track 
4482 QIC-4DC, 4GB
4483 QIC-5010
4486 MLR3
4487 SLR100
4560-SLX LTO/SDLT Library
4582 QIC-4DC, 4GB
4583 QIC-5010
4584 SLR-60
4586 MLR3
4587 SLR100
4684 SLR-60
6341 QIC-120
6342 QIC-525
6343 QIC-1000
6344 QIC-2GB
6346 QIC-120
6347 QIC-525
6348 QIC-1000
6349 QIC-2GB
6366 QIC-120
6367 QIC-525
6368 QIC-1000
6369 QIC-2GB
6378 QIC-1000
6379 QIC-1000
6380 QIC-2GB
6381 QIC-2DC, 2GB
6382 QIC-4DC, 4GB
6383 QIC-5010
6384 SLR-60
6385 QIC-5010
6386 MLR3
6387 SLR-100
6390 8mm 7 GB
6481 QIC-2DC, 2GB
6482 QIC-4DC, 4GB
6483 QIC-5010
6484 SLR-60
6485 QIC-5010
6486 MLR3
6490 8mm 7 GB
7044 DDS-4
7205-311 DLT 7000
7205-440 DLT 8000
7205-550 SDLT 320
7206-005 DDS-2
7206-110 DDS-3
7206-220 DDS-4
7207-122 QIC-4DC, 4GB
7207-330 SLR-60
7208-002 8mm 2.3 GB
7208-011 8mm 5 GB
7208-012 8mm 5 GB
7208-222 8mm 7 GB
7208-232 8mm 5 GB
7208-234 8mm 7 GB
7208-341 8mm M1
7208-342 8mm M1
7208-345 8mm M2
7331-205 8mm Library
7331-305 8mm Library
7332-005 DDS-2 Library
7332-110 DDS-3 Library
7332-220 DDS-4 Library
7334-410 8mm Library
7336-205 DDS-2 Library
7337-305/306 DLT
9346 QIC-120
9347 9-track
9348 9-track
9427-210 8mm 7 GB
9427-211 8mm 7 GB
T200 & T200F LTO Ultrium 1
T400 & T400F LTO Ultrium 2

Disc Interchange Service Company, Inc.
Media Conversion Specialists
15 Stony Brook Road
Westford, MA 01886

Copyright © 1997 - 2015 by Disc Interchange
All rights reserved. See our copyright page.
